Study Abroad
Study Guide to Masters and Bachelors Degree Courses

College "Luben Groyce"


Rector Professor Encho Halachev
Founder & Art Director Professor Elena Baeva
Address National Palace of Culture, fl.5, office 5\12, 1 Bulgaria sq.,
Sofia 1463 PO Box 108, Bulgaria
Tel. No. +359 2 9862025
E-mail address
Courses Acting for Drama Theatre
Type of courses Full-time
Length of courses Three years course of education
Date of commencement
Application deadline
Class size Approximately 20 students
Accommodation Not available
Fees 350 USD per term
Financial assistance Not available
Student profile 97% National/ 3% Overseas
46% Men/ 54% Women
Age range 18+
Exchange partner schools National Academy for Theatre and Film Art, Sofia
Admission requirements Secondary school diploma
Due to close specific of the subject knowledge of Bulgarian language is required.
Contact for application Professor Elena Baeva

About Theatre College "Luben Groyce" and the Course

The College was established in 1991 as alternative to the government Art Academy in Sofia. It bears the name of the prominent Bulgarian theatre director Ljuben Groyce who was highly acknowledged during his lifetime not only in Bulgaria but also abroad - as a member of The International Shakespearean Society in Wiemar. Founder ahd Art-director of the College is professor Elena Baeva - a long term Lecturer on actor's and deputy rector at National Academy for Theatre and Film Art.

As a result of the enormous, passionate work done by both the students and their professors lead by Elena Baeva The College was invited in 1997 to present Chekhov's program on the Festival of the Alternative Theatre Formations in Berlin, Germany.

More than promising should be considered the fact that more than 90% of the graduates of the College received invitations to work for long established professional theatres not only in Sofia but also all over the country.

In the College students are taught in subject "Acting for Drama Theatre". The main goal of the subject is to provide the students with a wide range of skills in the field of Drama Theatre in order for them to be as competitive in their future professional career as possible after graduating from the college.

The educational program includes:

  • Lectures - is a theory instruction upon a problem that is a part of a thematic circle of the concrete branch knowledge. Different educational systems are approved and students take active part in them. Discussions take place very often and they are essential part of the Lecture.
  • Laboratory exercise - creates a situation in which the student has opportunity to apply his/her theoretical knowledges. Those exercises aim to develop the actor's practical skills. They are the most important and basic part of the studies in the college. They can be implemented individually or ingroups from 2 to 4 patricipants.
    • * Seminars - are held depending on the specific of the concrete subject. Discussions are the main part of the work during the seminars. Debates help the individual work done in a small group to be presented at the end to the whole class. Bearing in mind what has been said about the seminars, it can be concluded that they are mainly intended to be the time for theory and analytical revisions of the work. On the contrary the public demonstration and the practical subjects prefer its analyses.

      * Terminal work - is the process of working out a piece of a role or whole role, or writing approach to a theoretical problem. The tutors of the different subjects distribute the tasks at their own discretion. The mutual work between lectures and students transforms into very helpful consultations, wtich have not any influence on the final exam decisions.

      * Course project - is "building up" a part in a play. That is the opportunity given to each student to implement in his/her individual project all aknowledge and experience he/she has learned trough the years from the whole complex, system of subjects.

      * Graduating work - is a participation in a performance with his/her own built up part. Students have a chance to play on a professional stage and to demonstrate their developed, trough the years in the college, skills and abilities. In that final part of the education students master professional specifics of acting in a real theatrical enviroment.

      * Troudh the three years studies - 40-50 hours per week. Subjects are strucrured and based upon the specifics of the courses and each of them finishes with an exam or other specific form of work evaluation.


    "Children of the Course - 1" - play based on ancient tragedies text, prodused by prof. Elena Baeva

    "Twelwe Nights with the Storm Love" - based on some of Shakeespearean plays, prodused by prof. E.Baeva.

    "Idiot" - based on dostoevsky's novel

    "Children of the Course II"

    "Break the Script" - musical play. Mila Iskrenova's production.

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