Study Abroad
Study Guide to Masters and Bachelors Degree Courses

University "Prof. Dr Assen Zlatarov"

Rector Prof. Nikoly Ralev
Address 1 "Prof. Yakimov" Blvd., 8010 Bourgas, Bulgaria
Tel. No. +(359 56) 660119
Fax No. +(359 56) 686141
E-mail address
Academic programmes Degree: "Bachelor" and "Master"
  • Organic Chemical Technologies
  • Inorganic Chemical Technologies
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Material Science and Technology
  • Ecology and Environmental Protection
  • Chemistry
  • Management
  • Industrial Management
  • Marketing
  • Tourism

  • Degree: "Bachelor"
  • Biotechnologies
  • Pre-school and primary school pedagogy
  • Primary school pedagogy and a foreign language

  • Degree: "Specialist"
  • Management of tourist attendance
  • Management of hotels and restaurants
  • Mechanical and equipment engineering
  • Transport equipment and technologies
  • Electronics
  • Electrical engineering
  • Marketing
  • Nurse
  • Rehabilitation therapist
  • Medical auxiliary
  • Type of courses Full time and extra-mural
    Length of courses "specialist" - 3 years
    "bachelor" - 4 years
    "master" - one and a half year of training after "bachelor"
    "Ph.D. degree - not less than 3 years after "master"

    The admitted foreign students and foreign post- graduate students at first study Bulgarian for one year.
    Date of commencement 15 September
    Class size From 7 to 24
    Accommodation The University three hostels can accommodate 1383 regular students in need. The rooms have central heating and each one is supplied with its own wc and bathroom.
    The monthly fees for the foreign students are as follows:
    for single rooms 55 USD, double rooms 30 USD, for a bed for rooms with three beds 25 USD for a bed.
    The University hotel has 145 double rooms.
    Fees Home students: there are government registration and education fees
    Foreign students:
    specialist – 2400 USD per year
    medical students - 2600 USD per year
    bachelor – 3000 USD per year
    master – 3000 USD per year
    Ph. D. – 5000 USD per year.
    Preparatory for studying Bulgarian language – 2400 USD.
    Student grants/
    Financial assistance
    Only need based financial assistance for Bulgarian Students is available.
    Admission requirements The candidates for specialist and bachelor must be graduates of secondary schools.

    The students who have completed their university education with Bachelor degree may apply for Master's degree.

    Students with degree Master may apply for Ph.D.

    A certificate for Bulgarian language is obligatory for foreign students.
    Health condition of applicants enabling them to to study at University.

    Admission of applicants it is according to the state requirements and regulations Bulgarian students sit for an exam or apply only with their diploma. They can find detailed information in Guide for admission which is renewed every year.

    The foreign candidates apply only with the following documents: copy of the secondary school diploma translated in English, French or Bulgarian certified by the Embassy of the candidate's country, application form with autobiography (C.V.) and the courses the candidate wants to study, medical certificate issued not more than a month before the day of application.
    The documents are send to the University or to the Ministry of Education. Foreign candidates can also study without payment by decision of the Ministry of Education fulfilling inter government agreements for educational, scientific and cultural exchange. Foreigners are matriculated in the University after finishing successfully the preparatory Bulgarian courses in the Department For Foreign Students.
    Student profile The ratio of national/foreign students - 50:1

    There are no limitation in age.
    Contact for application Bulgarian students:
    Tel: (359 56) 68 71 89, 62 20 18, 68 40 39
    Fax: (359 56) 68 61 41

    Foreign students:
    Tel: (359 56) 68 31 97, 68 31 39, 273 8295
    Fax: (359 56) 68 61 41

    Faculties & Colleges

    The University "Prof. Dr. Assen Zlatarov has six faculties and three colleges.

    Each of the courses in them is based on a broad range of fundamental disciplines enabling the students to continue their specialized education.

    Such fundamental disciplines are mathematics, computing, physics, inorganic chemistry, chemistry and physics, processes and equipment in chemical technology in the faculty of organic chemical technologies, faculty of inorganic chemical technologies and the technical faculty.

    Mathematics, computing, macro and microeconomics, prognosis, planning, management, marketing, finance, accountancy, statistics, law etc. are the fundamental disciplines in the Business and Economics faculty.


    Dean: associate professor Ph. D. in chemistry Georgy Kostov

    Tel: (359 56) 622037

    Office: (359 56) 660137

    The faculty offers two courses of education:

    Organic Chemical technologies: Students obtain specialized training for production, technology, construction, scientific and research work and organization and management in the fields of oil processing, oil chemistry, organic synthesis, synthesis and processing of polymers. The scientific and research work is directed mainly for the development of technologies for the production of grafts for fuels and oils, processing of highly boiling oil products; homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis with transitional metals; synthesis, modification and processing of polymers and polymeric compositions.

    Biotechnologies: Students obtain broad biotechnological training by studying disciplines as biochemistry, microbiology, genetics, immunology, cytology, molecular biology, study of enzymes. The special training includes industrial microbiology, applied study of enzymes and genetic engineering. The main directions of the research work are: purifying and usage of enzymes, immobilizing of enzymes, microorganisms; bio transformations of organic substances; biodissimilation of polymers.

    The faculty consists of six departments with 44 lecturers and lecturers from other faculties are engaged.


    Dean: associate professor dr. Valentin Nenov

    Tel: (359 56) 660021

    Office: (359 56) 622018

    The faculty offers the course:

    Inorganic Chemical Technologies: The students obtain specialized training for technological, constructional, research and management activities in the field of inorganic and electrochemical productions, silicate industry, purifying of waste waters and water preparation.

    The main scientific directions are obtaining and applying of absorbers, developing of methods of reducing the power consumption of technological processes; glass, technical ceramics, inorganic mono crystals; removing of heavy metals and bio genetic elements from waters.

    The faculty consists of five departments with 38 lecturers and lecturers from other faculties are engaged


    Dean: associate professor dr. Stoyko Petrov

    Tel: (359 56) 660172

    Office: (359 56) 687189

    The faculty offers two courses of education:

    Chemical engineering: Students obtain specialized training for industrial realization of chemical and biotechnological production, knowledge about the main processes, transitional phenomena, ways of their intensification and optimizing as well as projecting and innovation of equipment and installations.

    Technology of materials and material science: This course gives knowledge about the structure, properties and methods of characterizing of materials and their usage. The focus of attention is metals, polymers, ceramic materials and practical skills of the students. They are able to participate in the processes of projecting and modernizing of technical equipment.

    The faculty consists of four departments with 33 lecturers and lecturers from other faculties are engaged.


    Dean: associate professor dr.Todora Oykova

    Tel: (359 56) 2738278

    Office: (359 56)684039

    The faculty offers two courses of education:

    Ecology and Environment Protection: Students obtain profound knowledge in chemistry, biology, biophysics, biochemistry, functioning and preserving of ecosystems, basic mechanisms of soil pollution, air, waters, and technologies for their purifying. Students obtain knowledge for analysis, monitoring and influence in order to protect environment. The main scientific directions are connected with ecological monitoring, analysis and prognosis of the degree of pollution and the ways to protect environment.

    Chemistry: Students obtain profound knowledge in inorganic chemistry, analytical colloid chemistry, instrumental methods for analysis. They study pedagogy and psychology enabling them to be teachers, too. The main scientific directions are synthesis of catalysts, coordination alloys, prognosis of biological activity of medicines; prognosis of enzyme toxic of organic alloys.

    The faculty consists of 8 departments with 54 lecturers and lecturers from other faculties are engaged.


    Dean: associate professor dr. Zachary Dichev

    Tel: (359 56) 684191

    Office: (359 56) 687189

    The faculty offers the following courses of education:

    Management: The students obtain knowledge in management necessary for the leading places they are supposed to occupy. The main scientific directions are management, economics, methods of training, industrial technologies and environment protection.

    Industrial management: The students are trained to organize, monitor and manage production, technological and structural brunches in the industry. They are trained to make economic analysis and choose variants in taking management decisions, to reveal and estimate the tendencies in reconstruction and technological renovation of production. The main scientific directions are in the field of management, economics, computing, industrial technologies.

    Marketing: The students obtain knowledge in marketing of economic branches on different levels of management. The main scientific directions are in the fields of management, marketing, economics, finance.

    Tourism: The students are trained to work in the fields of organization, planning and management of tourism ( including small tourist business). The students obtain knowledge and skills to adapt to and estimate the market and its tendencies. The main scientific directions are tourist marketing, management, labor economics and tourist attendance.

    The faculty consists of 6 departments with 26 lecturers and lecturers from other faculties are engaged.


    Dean: head assistant dr. Todor Hadgipetrov

    Tel/Fax: (359 56) 624059

    Office: (359 56) 626030

    The faculty offers degree "Bachelor" in pedagogy in the following courses:

    Pre-school and primary school pedagogy:

    The following fundamental disciplines are offered: pedagogy, psychology, linguistics, natural and mathematical sciences, philosophy, special pedagogy, methods of teaching in kindergardens and primary schools.

    Primary school pedagogy and a foreign language: The following fundamental disciplines are offered: pedagogy, psychology, linguistics, natural and mathematical sciences, philosophy, special pedagogy, methods of teaching and English language.

    There are 37 lecturers in the faculty and lecturers from other faculties are engaged.


    Director: head assistant dr. Bratoy Koprinarov

    Tel: (359 56) 24806

    Fax: (359 56) 26029


    Office: (359 56) 26029

    The college offers the degree "specialist" with the professional qualification "organizer" in the following subjects: Management of tourist attendance
    Management of hotels and restaurants

    The main courses are: macro and micro economics, information techniques and technologies, accountancy and bookkeeping, management and management of human resources, marketing in tourism, law, social psychology.

    There are 67 lecturers in the faculty and lecturers from other faculties are engaged.


    Director: head assistant dr. Bratoy Koprinarov

    Tel: (359 56) 26182

    Fax: (359 56) 20589


    Office: (359 56) 21042

    The college offers the degree "specialist" in the following subjects:

    Mechanical engineering and equipment engineering
    Transport equipment and technologies
    Electrical engineering

    The subjects in Mechanical engineering and equipment engineering are: metal cutting machines, technology of equipment engineering, etc. In Transport equipment and technologies " theory and construction of vehicles", "diagnosis and reconstruction of transport equipment"

    The subjects in Electrical engineering are: " electrical taking of measures, electrical technical materials", "machines and equipment". Electronic elements and semiconductors and integral schemes , digital technique and computers are the subjects in Electronics. The following disciplines are in Marketing: Mathematics, computing, economics, management, marketing.

    There are 16 lecturers in the faculty and lecturers from other faculties are engaged.


    Director: head assistant dr. Mimy Stoycheva

    Tel/Fax: (359 56) 35801

    Fax: (359 56) 20589

    Office: (359 56) 20331

    The college offers the degree "specialist" in the following courses:

    Rehabilitation therapist
    Medical auxiliary

    All students study medical biological and social studies , special cares, massage, therapy, manual muscular testing, etc.

    There are 17 lecturers in the faculty and lecturers from other faculties are engaged and doctors and professionals, too

    About the University

    The University "Prof. Dr. Assen Zlatarov" is the main center of Higher Education and Science in southeast Bulgaria. It is in Bourgas, a town of 300 thousand residents situated on the Black Sea coast. Bourgas is the fourth largest town in Bulgaria, center of a district with the highest contribution to the country's economy. Bourgas has the largest port. It is the center of Bulgarian oil processing and chemical industry and international tourism.

    The University is academic, autonomous state higher school in the system of the Ministry of Education and Science.

    It started in 1963 as Institute of Chemical Technology and it was given the name of Prof. Dr Assen Zlatarov in1968 and in 1995 with an act of the Bulgarian Parliament it was transformed into University. Its main task is to prepare competent, highly qualified workers for various branches of National Economy, Science and private business. Computer training is included in students' education.

    The Education is according to the state requirements, plans and programs. It includes obligatory and optional courses in lectures, seminars, practice and self training and scientific research. The students' marks are from 6 (the highest mark) to 2 (the lowest one). The students' higher education finishes with a state exam or diploma papers.

    Each university year consists of two semesters.

    Recently, as a result of joint projects with leading European Universities (program Tempus) all plans and university programs were renewed and regarded to the European standards.

    Degree "Bachelor" is obtained after 4 years of study, "Master"- after 1,5 after "Bachelor" and Masters can apply for Ph. D and after a course of not less than 3 years they obtain the scientific degree Ph. D.

    The education is three years in the colleges and ends with the degree "specialist"

    The University has a state accreditation in the following courses:

    Degree "Bachelor " and "Master":

    Organic Chemical Technologies
    Inorganic Chemical Technologies
    Chemical Engineering
    Material Technology and Material Science
    Ecology and Environment Protection
    Industrial Management

    Degree "Bachelor"

    Pre-school and Primary School Pedagogy
    Primary School Pedagogy and a foreign language

    Degree "Specialist"

    Management of Tourist attendance
    Management of hotels and restaurants
    Mechanical Engineering and Equipment Engineering
    Transport Equipment and Technologies
    Electrical Engineering
    Rehabilitation Therapist
    Medical Auxiliary

    About 350 000 students study at the University each year. Part of them is foreign students.

    365 lecturers are engaged in the teaching process, 90 of them have academic rank and 130 of those who don't have academic rank are Ph.D. Their scientific experience is collected in about 150 monographs and textbooks and 6000 scientific articles published in Bulgaria and abroad.

    The University has contacts with Universities in Russia, England, France, Germany and etc. Our lecturers have contributed to more than 50 international projects in Tempus, Cost, Phare and other programs. The scientific and research work in the University has solved about 120 tasks of Bulgarian industrial firms.

    The facilities:

    Computer rooms supplied with modern computers;
    Specialized laboratories equipped with plot installations, technological modules, computer systems and research equipment.
    TV studios and TV rooms
    University computer net and Internet
    University library with more than 170 000 books, magazines, newspapers research papers and Internet
    Specialized scientific libraries of the colleges
    Central scientific and research laboratory with 5 sections and 12 modern methods of analyses;
    Printing house.

    The three university hostels and the university canteen are within the campus of the University. It also has its own polyclinic and dentist's room free of payment. There are sport complexes, play grounds for volleyball, basketball, handball, tennis courts, fitness halls. There are polyfunctional halls with 200 and 300 seats for simultaneous interpretation with video and audio playback and recording equipment. The "Park" hotel complex has 145 double rooms and a restaurant.

    The post-graduate qualification department offers various qualification courses, short and long term courses.

    Foreign students training department offers one-year of specialized teaching of Bulgarian language, Bulgarian history and courses according to the future studies of the students. It also offers courses for everyday and business purposes and individual programs.

    The computer center provides technical and basic software needed for teaching . Implements software for economic management of firms and organizations.

    The center of electronic emission technologies was founded with the assistance of the International Agency of Atomic Energy with the purpose of carrying out R and D in the fields of radiation- chemical technologies.

    The Students' Council represents students in the University and takes part in the discussions and solving of all problems.

    The Scientific and Research Sector helps the academic leaders in the organization and management of the research work in the University.

    Request For Further Information

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