Study Abroad
Study Guide to Masters and Bachelors Degree Courses

University of Mining and Geology
"St. Ivan Rilski"

Rector Prof. Dr. Kiriak Kovachev
Address University of Mining and Geology "St. Ivan Rilski"
Darvenitsa, Sofia 1100, Bulgaria
Tel. No. +359 2 68-74-51
Fax No. +359 2 962-49-40
E-mail address
Faculties & Colleges
  • Faculty of Geology
  • Faculty of Mining Technology
  • Faculty of Mining Electromechanics
  • Faculty for Extramural Education and Education for Foreign Students
  • Open Faculty
  • European Faculty (Bulgarian-German Centre for Post-Graduate Qualification)
  • Type of courses Full-time and part-time Bachelor and Master degree programmes
    Length of courses Bachelor's degree - 8 semesters
    Master's degree - 2 semesters (3 semesters) after Bachelor's degree
    Date of commencement 1st of October
    Class size Not more than 26
    Accommodation The University has at its disposal enough beds for lodging on the territory of the Students campus.
    Fees Fee per semester for Bulgarian students - 357 000 Bulg. Leva » 220 USD
    Fee per semester for foreign students - 1000 USD
    Financial assistance
  • students' fellowships for good academic results in amount not more than 65% of the Minimum Working Salary;
  • social fellowships in amount not more than 45% of the Minimum Working Salary
  • state credits for current needs for students
  • Admission requirements A one-year course in Bulgarian language should be attended at the Institute for Foreign students. The course is graduated by passing an exam and issuing of a certificate for fluency in Bulgarian language
    Student profile
  • Foreign students represent approximately 2-3 % of the Bulgarian students
  • Ratio of Men / Women:2:1
  • Age range: from 18 to 25 years
  • Contact for application Assoc. Prof. Dr. K. Boev
    Dean of the Faculty for Part-Time Education and Training of Foreign Students
    Tel: +359 2 62-581/230 - Dean's Office for foreign students
    +359 2 62-29-67 - Students' Department
    +359 2 68-74-51 - Dean's Office for foreign students
    Fax: +359 2 962-49-40 - University of Mining and Geology

    Faculties and Colleges

    There are 6 faculties and more than 30 departments at the University of Mining and Geology "St. Ivan Rilski"

    Faculty of Geology

    Dean: Assoc. Prof. Dr. S. Barardjiev

    Economic Geology

    The curriculum of this speciality includes a wide range of classical geological disciplines such as mineralogy, crystallography, petrography, paleontology, historical geology, geotectonics, sedimentology etc. The attention of future specialists is drawn to fundamental problems related to the formation and regularities in the distribution of varied types of minerals, to the main industrial genetic types of mineral deposits, methods of prospecting and exploration, assessment and calculation of mineral reserves. Students are offered the opportunity to specialise, according to their own interests, in different geological fields such as metallic and nonmetallic minerals, coal geology or prospecting for oil and gas.

    Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology
    The speciality includes disciplines both from the field of classical geology and from the engineering sciences. The graduates of this speciality have a very wide range of job opportunities. Graduates of this specialities can make careers in various prospecting, building, mining and water engineering companies and organisations. As engineers they can participate in the design of industrial and housing construction sites, permanent road equipment, aquiculture complexes, resort and balneological sites, etc.

    Applied Geophysics

    The geophysical methods of exploration have a leading role in studying the deep structure of the earth's crust, in prospecting for oil and gas, in regional structural studies related to the prospecting and exploration of minerals. Students who have chosen this speciality obtain solid knowledge in fields such as Seismic Methods of Geophysics, Gravity Prospecting, Magnetic Prospecting, Electrical Methods in Geophysics, Borehole Geophysics, Radiometry and Nuclear Geophysics, Radioelectronics, Fundamentals of Geophysical Exploration, , Physical Field Theory, Analysis and Processing of Geophysical Signals, Remote Sensing. This qualification offers good opportunities for job careers in the fields of management, design and conducting of geophysical surveys in mineral prospecting and exploration, in the mining industry, building and in solving specialised problems in archaeology, speleology and ecology.

    Drilling and Oil and Gas Production

    Undergraduates in this speciality are trained for qualified engineers capable of realising and managing a broad range of activities related to borehole drilling and oil and gas production and transportation. Subjects included in the syllabus provide knowledge and experience offering the students job careers in fields such as exploratory core drilling for prospecting and exploration for minerals; exploitational exploration in mine excavations; hydrogeological drilling for exploration and exploitation of underground technical, potable and thermal water; drilling for oil and gas; drilling exploratory and oil-and-gas production wells; exploitation of oil and gas deposits; testing, completion and stimulation of wells, transport and storage of oil and gas; distribution of utilisation of oil and gas. The high qualification of the drilling engineers has been confirmed by the fact that during the last few years over 200 drilling specialists have worked or are still working in countries in Asia, Africa and America.

    Ecology and environmental protection
    The main objective of this speciality is establishing a theoretical background through studying the regularities of general ecology for acquiring applied knowledge and experience with the aim of protecting the environment during geological exploration and mineral processing. This allows the realisation of an ecological approach in the development of respective technologies and meanwhile will learn students to manage with different cases of applied character such as purifying water and soil from heavy metals, toxic elements, oil and other contaminants; preventing atmosphere pollution with noxious gases from mineral processing; earth and soil reclamation, recycling and depositing of mineral refuse products, etc. Graduates of this speciality are offered good job opportunities related to activities in environmental protection in the geological, mining and mineral processing branches.

    Faculty of Mining Technology

    Dean: Assoc. Prof. Dr. V. Ivanov

    Development of mineral resources

    Engineers - researchers, designers, constructors, technologists, managers and lecturers in the field of mining are being trained. The first two years offer students fundamental general engineering training in higher mathematics, physics, chemistry, information science, engineering graphics, geology, mineralogy and petrography, minerals, hydrogeology and engineering geology (geotectonics), theoretical mechanics, strength of materials, mechanics of fluids, philosophy and macro-economics, introduction to mining, ecology, etc. In the third and fourth year the training continues with broadly specialised courses such as geomechanics, blasting, fundamentals of engineering research or sociology, mining machines and devices, mining electrical engineering, mining thermophysics, mining safety, mining ecology, automation of production, etc. The graduates of this speciality can work as managers of mining machine building enterprises and mining enterprises, lecturers in secondary and higher specialised schools, researchers, designers, constructors and managers.

    Mineral Technologies

    Undergraduates of this speciality study a wide range of subjects which lay the basis of a versatile qualification. Besides the classical fundamental disciplines such as mathematics, chemistry and physics a number of disciplines related to the treatment of mineral and energy raw materials for recovering useful components by physical, chemical and combined methods are studied. The curriculum also includes the study of methods for investigation, utilisation and decontamination of technogenic and waste products, as well as techniques for purification of fluid systems. The graduates of this speciality have good job opportunities in the fields of mining, metallurgy and energy production, as well as in companies involved in the treatment of rare and noble metals.

    Mine Surveying and Geodesy

    The curriculum of this speciality offers both fundamental and general engineering training, and specialised courses in geodesy, mine surveying, photogrammetry, mine surveying and geodesic measurements, rock movement and protection of equipment. The graduates of this speciality possess the necessary fundamental, general engineering and professional knowledge and skills in order to perform mine and geodesic surveys and a number of activities in the exploration and mining for minerals, opencast and underground mine construction, industrial construction, building transport and hydraulic engineering tunnels and equipment, town-planning, vertical planning and cadastre.

    Industrial Management

    This speciality requires optimum interaction between general engineering qualification in the field of mining and training in economics and management. Economic and managerial knowledge that build the superstructure of professional mining training sets up the modern manager in the mining branch. He/she knows perfectly the branches where this activity results as a strategy, prediction, current, operative, industrial, financial activity and accountancy, analysis and control, investment decisions and efficiency, staff management, etc. Graduates of this speciality are offered job careers in all spheres of management of this branch, as well as the enterprises for production and processing of minerals, assessment the advisability of their production, analyses of economic activity, marketing survey, continuous and strategic management, nature management, etc.

    Faculty of Mining Electromechanics

    Dean: Assoc. Prof. A. Kuzmanov

    Mining equipment and technologies

    The curriculum of this speciality includes courses in theoretical mechanics, strength of materials, theory of machines and mechanisms, machine elements, fluid mechanics, all these laying a solid theoretical basis for the future machine designer and repair-and-maintenance engineer. Special courses are offered in mine haulage, hoisting, mining machines, pumps, ventilators, compressors, robotics. The graduates of the speciality can work as mechanical engineers in underground and opencast mines, processing plants, companies for mining building materials, repair plants. The knowledge and skills acquired allow these specialists to apply for jobs at industrial and public transport enterprises, in metallurgy and machine building, in industrial and housing construction, in the construction and exploitation of underground equipment and communications such as transport tunnels, underground railways, pipelines, etc.

    Electric energy and electricity supply

    The curriculum of this speciality including general courses in theoretical electrical engineering, electrical measurements, electrical machines, electrotechnic materials is a precondition for an extensive studying of highly professional specialised courses such as electrical apparatuses, electrical networks, electrical systems and substations, high voltage equipment, power supply of industrial enterprises, electrical drive, electrical equipment and automation. Undergraduates of this speciality are the only specialists in this country who have solid grounding in explosion protection and static electricity , which makes them eligible for engineering jobs in the coal, oil, gas and chemical industries. The graduates of this speciality can work successfully as power engineers in various industrial and construction companies, etc.

    Automation, information and controlling equipment

    This is a modern speciality of broad application. All the areas of practical and intellectual activities are subjects of its application. It treats matters of local, integrated and complete automation of machines, equipment and technological processes and is widely applied to research and designer's work. The curriculum of this speciality has been developed according to international standards. At the end of the course of study there is an opportunity for specialisation through a number of optional disciplines in the field of automation of production, computer technologies and engineering geoecology. The graduates of this speciality has an opportunity of fast and successful realisation in mining and processing branches and civil engineering. The qualification acquired guarantees successful realisation in various other spheres of material production and management.

    Faculty for Extramural Education and Education for Foreign Students

    Dean: Assoc. Prof. Dr. K. Boev

    This faculty comprises training and post-graduate qualification in all the above mentioned faculties/specialities for foreign and extramural students.

    Open Faculty

    Dean: Assoc. Prof. Dr. V. Angelova

    The Open Faculty offers undergraduates and/or graduates additional training and qualification in modern fields of science and technology The lectures and seminars are conducted by highly qualified specialists from the University of Mining and Geology, the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and other universities and leading companies. Forms of education at the Open Faculty are: full-time, part-time, distance and intensive.

    The Open Faculty of the University of Mining and Geology offers training and qualification in:

    International Economic Relations

    Students acquire knowledge and skills for effecting bilateral and multilateral research contracts and agreements for the production and realisation of export products as well as signing foreign trade contracts; for organising, planning and managing a company's international marketing. Period of study - 2 years (4 semesters).

    Business Management

    The course of study is directed to everyone who has already founded or has got the intention to found small private companies and enterprises. In the course of study students acquire fundamental practical knowledge and skills in the field of business and management. Period of study - 2 years (4 semesters).

    Computer technologies

    The curriculum includes: computer networks and communication; operational system UNIX, text processing systems, graphic data processing, data bases control systems, language for programming "C", computer modelling and artificial intelligence. Period of study is 3 semesters. Management and marketing. Students get acquainted with the behaviourist psychology of modern manager, labour and commercial law, computer methods, means, systems and applied software for management; methods and means for building information systems. Graduates will be eligible to develop company strategies for total quality, to form staff strategy, stock and innovation policy of the company, to implement commercial activity, to consult private and state companies in the branch of mining and processing of raw materials. Period of study - 4 semesters.


    The syllabuses include topics of the theory and methods of teaching at secondary and higher schools, general pedagogics, engineering pedagogics, theory of argumentation, pedagogic psychology and computer information technologies in education. Successfully graduated engineers after a pedagogic practical experience and promotion acquire the rights of a full-time teacher in natural and engineering sciences. Forms of study: full-time, part-time and intensive. Period of study - 4 semesters.


    Trainees gain knowledge in fundamentals of ecology and the anthropogenic effect on natural resources; construction of production sites in underground spaces; processing and overall utilisation of minerals, industrial, radioactive and domestic waste products. Period of study - 4 semesters.

    Evaluation of enterprises

    Successful graduates acquire an official certificate providing them the right to practice the profession of "evaluator" and to work at departments realising sales and purchases, exchange, partnerships of enterprises, establishing of companies, concerns, etc. Period of study - 4 semesters.

    Language Communication and Scientific and Technical Translation

    Students gain some knowledge in general linguistics and main techniques of practical translation and interpreting, particularly in the field of science and technology, as well as raise the level of their language proficiency in communication with English speaking people in the practice. Period of study - 4 semesters.

    Blasting Operations in Industry

    Students gain additional knowledge and skills for performing and controlling blasting operations in opencast and underground mines, quarries and construction sites. Graduates obtain a diploma and qualification of specialists in blasting operations in industry, as well as a certificate to perform and control blasting operations. Form of study: full-time. Period of study - 2 years (4 semesters).

    Engineering Psychology

    The syllabuses cover social, engineering and pedagogic psychology, methods of teaching, as well as professional ethics and psychology of business. The form of study is full-time. Period of study - 4 semesters.

    Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

    Students gain knowledge in the most modern technologies for processing of different information. In the course of study they study fundamentals of graphic data processing, data base control systems, theoretic bases of geographic information systems and practical skills with the most often applied GIS..

    Risk management at natural calamities and eco-distresses

    The syllabuses cover reasons for origination of natural calamities and eco-distresses, possible damages on people and environment, protection of population and reduction of losses. Risk is evaluated economically and expenses for preventive control are optimised, as well.

    European Faculty (Bulgarian-German Centre for Post-Graduate Qualification)

    The centre was founded in 1992 by a contract between the University "St.Ivan Rilski" and the European Centre for post-graduate qualification at the town of Maastricht, the Netherlands. Since 1998 due to changes in the structure of foreign partner, the contract is continued with the Academy of European Regulations (AER) at the town of Dusseldorf, Federal Republic of Germany.

    The European Faculty (EF) is a part of a chain of analogous educational institutions in Germany, Hungary, Romania and other countries.

    Main directions of European Faculty activities are:
  • Master's curricula for foreigners and Bulgarians;
  • short-term qualification courses on-up to-date topics;
  • organisation of Doctor's promotions for foreigners on individual training;
  • propagation of European experience through lectures conducted by lecturers and specialists from abroad;
  • publishing
  • The European Faculty as a structure of the University of Mining and Geology "St. Ivan Rilski" has a contribution in the recognition of Bulgarian engineering education in the Federal Republic of Germany.

    More About the University

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