Study Abroad
Study Guide to Masters and Bachelors Degree Courses


Structure of Educational System
Admissions to Higher Education and Recognition  of Foreign Credentials 
Student Life 
International Cooperation and Exchanges   

Pre-higher Education System

Duration of compulsory education
Age of entry: 6
Age of exit: 14

Structure of school system

Type/level of education: Elementary
Length of program (years): 3
Age level: from 6 to 9

Type/level of education: Preparatory
Length of program (years): 5
Age level: from 9 to 14

Type/level of education: Senior Secondary
Type of school: HIGH (SENIOR) SCHOOL
Length of program (years): 2
Age level: from 14 to 16

Type/level of education: Technical
Length of program (years): 3
Age level: from 14 to 17

Description of secondary school system
Secondary education lasts 2 years after completion of the first two stages: elementary school (3 years) and intermediate school (5 years).

Higher Education System

Structure of system
Further development of the higher education system takes into consideration the following: a transition from the former two-level (college-higher education institution) system to a unified four-level system of higher education: the 1st level: colleges; the 2nd level: two-stage (or regional) colleges, baccalaureate courses equivalent to them; the 3rd level: universities and, equivalent to them, master's courses of higher education institutions; the 4th level: aspirantura.

Main types of higher education institutions in country

Type of institution: HAMASALARAN
Translation: UNIVERSITY

Type of institution: INSTITUT
Translation: INSTITUTE

Type of institution: CONSERVATORIA

Administrative structure of higher education

Name of body: Ministry of Higher Education and Science

Street: Movses Khorenatsi, 13
City: Yerevan
Postal code: 375010
Telephone: 374-2-524896
Fax: 374-2-567164

Languages of instruction
Armenian, Russian

Stages and Organization of Higher Education Studies

University level studies

Stage 1: Junior specialist

Description: The Junior specialist courses last for 2-3 years in junior colleges. Junior specialists will be prepared from first-year graduates of two-level colleges of higher education institutions.

Stage 2: Bachelor's studies

Description: Bachelor's programmes are offered by two-level (regional) colleges; baccalaureate courses in universities and other higher education institutions; specialized schools and institutions. It stipulates a theoretic preparation in general professional subjects, mastering of decision-making skills in various professional fields, in changing conditions, and training of wide-profile specialists.

Stage 3: Internatura

Description: This programme stipulates fundamental and thorough education and acquiring of knowledge needed for research work, education, mastering of proficient skills and abilities. Education in master's courses lasts for two years; graduates receive a master's degree.

Stage 4: Aspirantura

Description: This two-year programme aims at preparing scientific-pedagogic personnel. It stipulates mastering of individual scientific educational programme, additional knowledge and skills for scientific work, abilities for original research and scientific-pedagogic activities.

Admissions to Higher Education

Admissions to university level

Secondary school credential/certificate/diploma(s) required for entry

Name of sec. school credential: SECONDARY SCHOOL LEAVING CERTIFICATE
Total number of years of primary and secondary school study: 10

National admission entrance examination requirements


Admission for foreign students

Special entry regulations for foreign students in country/state:
Foreign students holding a secondary school leaving certificate can apply to have their files examined by a special selection committee. Foreign students who do not hold secondary school leaving certificates can enter technical schools or colleges. All foreign candidates must have a residence visa and be recommended by competent bodies in their countries.

Requirements at national level

Name of exam or requirement: Armenian and Russian language tests.

Other special academic requirements for foreign students set up at national level:
Foreign students are admitted to the one-year preparatory department of the corresponding higher education institution after having received the recommendation of the selection committee.

Recognition of studies and qualifications

Recognition of studies completed and credentials awarded in foreign countries

Bodies primarily addressing questions relating to the recognition of foreign credentials and studies in higher education

Name of body: Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Street: 10 Baghramian Av.
City: Yerevan
Postal code: 37019
Telephone: 3742-588841
Fax: 3472-527022

Recognition of foreign credentials to enter an institution: Y
Recognition of foreign credentials to enter a profession: Y

Description of services provided and types of students dealt with:
Certification of diplomas and scientific degrees.

Date: 1995/1996
Source: International Association of Universities (IAU)