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How to Write a Good Essay

Whether you study in the UK or you study in Europe writing essays is a regular part of your curricula. There are seven consequent steps to write a good essay:

1. Choose Your Topic

There is a possibility for you to have the topic chosen by a professor, yes. But there is a chance that you will be asked to make that choice on your own. Depending on these two possibilities, approaches towards essay writing can vary.

If you received the determined topic at once, then think about the type of writing you would like to present as a result. Should it be a general subject overview, or will the specific analysis fit the topic better? Set up a certain focus if needed.

If there is no any topic assigned to you, then you’ve got a bit more job to complete. However, this gives you certain advantages as well. You can choose a subject that is really interesting and worrying personally you.

Then, First: know your purpose. Do you want to inform the reader or persuade them?

When your purpose is determined, then focus on providing some topical research on the topic that intrigues you. Think about your recent life events, and your life in general. What interest you the most? Create a list of these subjects and then choose your own top-topic.

And the last thing to do before you start working on your essay: determine your own options. If you want to educate the reader, choose a subject which was already learnt by you previously. If you need to persuade someone, then go for the topic which is your passion. Whatever the goal of the writing is, be sure your topic to interest you.

2. Set Up a Diagram of Ideas

Organizing your thoughts is crucial for you to create a successful essay. Take thoughts that already are in your head and put it to paper. This is how you can see links and connections between various ideas more precisely. The received structure can serve as a basis for your writing. Use what fits you the most to note your ideas and order them: a diagram, an outline etc.

3. Thesis Statement

The topic is chosen and ideas are sorted. Now you need to create a thesis statement telling the point of your paper. Analyze your outline or diagram: what are the dominating ideas?

4. Main Body

The essay body is where you argue, explain and describe the topic. Each main idea mentioned in an outline or diagram becomes a part of this part of the essay.

5. Intro

When you have the thesis and the main body developed, it is required to write an introduction for the paper. It is the part, that has to attract the attention of your reader and show what your essay is going to concentrate on.

6. Conclusion

The conclusion is the part which closes up the topic and provides the reader with the summary of your ideas and giving them a final topic perspective. Conclusion is not to be too long: three to five serious sentences are quite enough here. All that you need to do is to review your main points and to reinforce the thesis statement.

7. Post-Writing Procedures

After you completed your conclusion, you can accidentally think that your job on essay is over by here. Still, pay attention to some smaller details before considering the task to be finished.

Analyze the instructions about the essay from your professor (if they provided you with the document like that). There are different formats possible for teachers and scholar forms to follow them. Check instructions TWICE in order to ensure your essay to respond the needed format.

And the last thing: review your written text. Read the paper and think if it really makes sense. Make sure about sentences to flow smoothly. If needed, add some phrases connecting your thoughts or ideas between each other. Check the writing for spelling or grammar issues attentively.


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