Study Abroad
Study Guide to Masters and Bachelors Degree Courses

Tashkent State Institute of Law

Rector Prof. Babaev Halim Babaevish
Address 35 Sayilgoh Street , Tashkent 700047, Uzbekistan
Tel. No. +99871 1331403
Fax No. +99871 1333748
E-mail address
Faculties & Colleges
  • Faculty of Order and Law Maintenance
  • Faculty of State Building
  • Faculty of Legal Service
  • Type of courses Full-time and part-time (tuition by correspondence)
    Length of courses 4.5 years for full-time programme students
    6 years for part-time programme (correspondence students).
    Date of commencement 1 September of every year
    Student body 1486 students on Full-time programme
    712 Students on part-time (correspondence programme).
    Accommodation Accommodation/dormitory is available
    Fees 2.000 USD - for foreign / overseas students
    116.000 sooms for national/native students
    Student grants The sum of monthly grants varies from 2.000 to 4.000 sooms. It depends on students progress /advancement.
    Admission requirements According to the resolution of our Government (Cabinet of Ministers), there is a new testing system in Uzbekistan, which was introduced in 1995. It works in our Institute too and includes exams in the following subjects:
    1). History
    2). Foreign Language
    3). Native Language
    Student profile
  • Number of National/Overseas Students: 2188 / 88
  • Number of men/women
    Full-time programme: 1273 / 213
    Part-time /correspondence programme: 437 / 68
  • Age range
    Full-time programme: 17 - 35 years
    Part-time / Correspondence programme: from 35 and older
  • Contact for application Dr. Azimjon R. Rahmanov
    Vice-Rector International Relations
    Tel: +99871 1334569
    Mrs. Gulnora N. Tursunova
    International Department
    Tel: +99871 1331403

    Faculties & Colleges

    Faculty of Order and Law Maintenance

    Dean: Dr. Rustam A. Zufarov

    Student Body: 730 students

    Staff: 6 professors and 20 docents


    Criminal Law
    Criminal Process

    Specialisation: Jurist

    Main Subjects : Criminal Law, Criminology, Advocacy, Criminal executive Law.

    Faculty of State Building

    Dean: Dr. Shukhrat H. Fayziev

    Student Body: 195 students

    Staff: 7 professors and 26 docents


    Constitutional Law
    Theory of state and Law
    Administrative and Financial Law
    International Law
    The History of Uzbekistan

    Specialisation: State Building

    Main Subjects : Theory of State and Law, Administrative and Financial Law, State Building

    Faculty of Legal Service

    Dean: Prof. Satiboldi Bobokulov

    Student Body: 698 students
    Staff: 6 professors and 18 docents and 1 academic


    Civil Law
    Civil Process
    Ecological Law
    Industrial and Labour Law

    Specialisation: Legal Service, Industrial Law, Customs Law

    Main Subjects : Civil Law, Civil Process, Land Law, Industrial and Labour Law

    General Chairs dealing with all faculties

    Staff: Prof.- 3 Docents - 16

    Chairs: Russian Language
    Uzbek Language
    Theory of Economics
    Computer and Computer Literacy
    Foreign Languages (English, German, French)
    Physical Culture

    Request For Further Information

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    Your last name*
    Your e-mail address*
    Re-type your e-mail address*
    Your phone No. (with dialing codes)
    Your fax No.
    Address 1
    Address 2
    Postal code
    Country of residence* (where you live)
    Existing qualifications*
    Work experience
    Expected enrollment date*
    Additional information

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